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Toadstool Peg Dolls

Toadstool Peg Dolls

Toadstool Peg Dolls

Toadstool Peg Dolls

A Tutorial by Margaret Bloom
November 14, 2020

 I wish I lived in a toadstool house,
Beneath an old oak tree,
With a tiny door and a chimney pot,
And windows – one, two, three.
~ a vintage ABC book

Here’s a tutorial on how to make your own peg dolls to go with our wooden Play Houses.

What you'll need

Step One: Painting Skin Tones
The faces of toadstool children shine in every tone of deep brown, golden, and peach. To reflect diverse skin tones, use diluted shades of brown watercolor paint to tint the heads of your peg dolls, and allow to dry completely before proceeding to the next step. For pale skin tones, leave the heads of your dolls unpainted.

Step Two: Painting Caps
Use red, opaque acrylic paint to add toadstool caps to the heads of your dolls.  Be sure to leave enough room to paint your faces (before you start painting caps, it can help draw a pencil outline). A second coat of paint will give a bright, even tone. 

Step Three: Painting Faces
Use paint, or a pencil to draw faces on your dolls (I sometimes prefer the accuracy of using pencils for faces). I’ve created quiet expressions on the faces of my toadstool children; you can paint your faces any way you like! Are your toadstool children feeling happy? Sad? Sleepy? Excited?

Step Four: Toadstool Bodies
Use white acrylic paint to cover the entire peg doll body. While the paint is still wet, add a bit of brown water color paint around the base of the doll. Gently swipe your paint brush on a towel and then use the damp brush to blend the brown paint upwards.  You may need to add a bit more brown paint to get the effect you wish. Additionally, you might try gently using the tip of your finger to blend the brown paint (finger tips are very effective blending tools).

Step Five: Finishing Touches
Use white acrylic paint to add polka dots to the toadstool caps. I also added golden buttons to my dolls, and you can add any embellishments that suit your fancy too!
Now your toadstool children are ready to play!

You could also make rainbow people to go with your rainbow playhouse!

Margaret Bloom is the author of the books Making Peg Dolls, and Making Peg Dolls and More (Hawthorn Press, UK).  You can visit her website at WeBloomHere.blogspot.com


  • Hi are your wooden playhouse not being sold anymore? Trying to locate but it’s not showing. Thanks

    Lyn on

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