Celebrating Beltane

Celebrating Beltane

Celebrating Beltane

Celebrating Beltane

Here’s a branch of snowy May,
A branch the fairies gave me,
Would you like to dance today,
With a branch the fairies gave me,
Dance away, dance away,
Holding high the branch of May!

Traditional May Day verse

April 28th, 2021

MAY 1st brings the celebration of Beltane or May Day to us and with it a bloom of wildflowers in the meadows and petals in the air. With so much abundance in bloom, we gathered a collection of petals to dress our faces and hands with their delicate beauty.

What You'll Need:

  • Flower petals - try to gather all kinds to see how they work (thinner petals stay on longer)

  • Honey - choosing local honey is always a kind gesture to your hometown bees

  • Paintbrush - or a few in different sizes

  • Having a warm washcloth for clean up and a place for sticky brushes is also handy

     A little honey goes a long way. Brush a tiny spot onto the petals and have fun with designing patterns or mandalas on your face, hands, and even feet! A necklace of petals is also beautiful.  

    May your Beltane be full of bright wishes and blossoms!



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