The Switch Witch
The Switch Witch
A Creative Alternative to Halloween Candy
The Switch Witch (some call her the Candy Fairy) is a witch that arrives on Halloween night, after your children have gone to sleep, and takes all the candy your children choose to leave out for her.
In exchange for the candy she will leave inspiring toys and dress-ups for your children to be surprised and delighted by them in the morning!
A basket of inspiring toys! Discover more here.
You may make up the story of the Switch Witch any way you like, but make sure you tell your children about the Switch Witch before you go trick-or-treating. Ideally, begin by telling your children the story a few weeks in advance, so they get used to the new tradition. Be creative – come up with a fun, elaborate story for your children. Make it your tradition!
In the weeks prior to Halloween, you may ask your children what they would like from the Switch Witch. This will give you an idea of what they're wishing for! After all, you want to give them something they will love more than candy.
Once your children are finished trick-or-treating, have them pick out their favorite candy and leave the rest out for the Switch Witch. Remind them that the more candy they give away, the better the gift they will get.
Leave the candy in a special place at home, near a window or make a witchy nook. In our family, we would leave our candy in the Halloween baskets, on the front porch, so the Switch Witch can see the candy.
When your children go to sleep, switch the candy for the toys or dress-ups!
Make sure you hide the candy so your children don’t find it or even better, give it away!
Swapping some of kids excessive haul of candy for a toy with their participation can absolutely be a part of promoting intuitive eating. I’m here for it. The tradition also reminds those around us to think about thoughtful consumption of stuff and possibly giving a treat other than candy — for us this year, crayons and color-your-own superhero masks! Thanks Sarah’s Silks!
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